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Golf after Lockdown – Don’t fall into this Trap

If you are playing golf this week remember to take the right attitude with you.

Coming out of this enforced hibernation to play golf again is a real treat. Don’t spoil the experience by falling into the trap of having great expectations of yourself and your game when you get out on the links.

Expecting yourself to play well, shoot good scores and to swing the golf club well are ideas of how you WANT the future to go. You are Craving. In my experience this craving attitude will only cause unbalance in the mind and a drop off in performance and enjoyment.

So, since your attitude changes from round to round and from shot to shot, and if you accept that your attitude can affect how you play, then the question is this.

What kind of attitude will bring you the best results?

This will be slightly different for everybody. Ask yourself what kind of attitude did you have the last time you played well?

When I ask most Professionals this question the answers are often similar.

Don’t be too serious ……… There was a tendency to play down the importance of the round.

A sense of fun……… as in “playing a game”

Sense of adventure ……….. Taking a few risks or playing some different type of shots.

Being prepared to shoot low or high…….. don’t get fixated on the score

No expectations……….. Honestly, you don’t know what is going to happen from one shot to the next so any expectations before or during the round will only get in the way and cause stress.

Overall a carefree attitude seemed to be important. Note however that there is a difference between carefree and careless.

So pay attention to your attitude before and during your next round and see what does and doesn’t work.

Oh and enjoy it out there, I get the feeling that you will !

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